If you are ready to ditch this bad habit, we are ready to help you!

You have decided to quit smoking. Congratulations! There are many reasons why someone may finally decide that it’s time to kick cigarettes to the curb, whether you have a baby on the way or you are just ready to improve your health for the long term. Of course, our Woodridge, IL, physicians understand the challenges that come with trying to quit smoking on your own, which is why we believe that you should never have to go it alone!

A lot of people who try to ditch cigarettes on their own often find it too challenging. Our goal as your Woodridge doctors is to make sure that you quit smoking and quit for good. Having a doctor you can trust who is by your side is so very important, particularly when dealing with the trials and tribulations associated with quitting.

Of course, there are so many benefits to quitting smoking, as you may already know. It’s never too late to quit, as quitting at any time can greatly reduce certain health risks such as cancer, stroke, COPD and other serious or chronic health problems.

Here are some ways we can help you:

Provide counseling referrals: Whether you want to sit down with someone one-on-one or you want to go through counseling with other people who also are going through the same struggles, we can easily provide you with the individual or group counseling you need to meet your individualized needs.

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to right away. When this happens we can provide you with counseling groups you can easily call. There are tons of smoking cessation groups and help lines that are available 24 hours to help ease your mind.

Plus, remember that you can always pick up the phone and call us. We know it isn’t always easy to quit smoking but knowing that the help you need is just a phone call away can provide the reassurance you need.

Prescribe smoking cessation medications: There are a variety of different over-the-counter and prescription medications out there that can slowly reduce your cravings to nicotine. By weaning you off nicotine gradually you may find fewer negative symptoms. Talk to us about the different medication options that are available.

If you want to find out more about smoking counseling in Woodridge, IL, then it’s time you called our office to schedule a consultation. Let Woodridge Clinic help you quit smoking for good!