Cardiac Diagnostic Services
Cardiac Diagnostic Services
Detection is an integral part of effectively and efficiently treating cardiovascular disease which can ultimately lower your risk for further complications. We offer a wide range of testing services to diagnose cardiovascular disease at each of our CIS locations.
View the services below to learn more about our diagnostic procedures.
Electrocardiogram (EKG) – An EKG records the electrical signals that control the rhythm of your heartbeat. EKGs are used to diagnose a wide range of heart problems from arrhythmia to coronary heart disease.
Holter Monitor – The Holter monitor records electrical signals of the heart just like an EKG, but it does so over a 24-hour period. This test will monitor your heart rhythm as you perform regular daily activities to see how your heart responds to changes in activity, rest and medication.
Treadmill Stress Test – We use the treadmill as an exercise test to evaluate your heart function as well as how your pulse and blood pressure respond to physical activity.
Bloodwork – Bloodwork is a very important part of diagnosing and monitoring certain medical problems. Results from bloodwork can help the physician determine which organs may need treatment, or if levels in your blood need medication to be regulated.
Nuclear Imaging – Nuclear imaging is a way of checking blood flow to the muscles or walls of the heart by administering a small amount of radioactive material through an IV. A special camera is used to take pictures of the radioactive material as it travels through the heart. These images can be used to detect the presence of coronary artery disease and how it affects the heart.
Nuclear imaging procedures are safe and commonly practiced – nearly 12 million are performed annually in the U.S. The radiation exposure during nuclear imaging is comparable to a routine x-ray, and the body eliminates the radioactive material quickly. Our trained professionals are experienced in nuclear medicine and follow all guidelines to ensure patient safety and satisfaction.